Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Control on Ads, Facebook

Facebook imagines here that its users "want to see ads that are more relevant to their interests."

Facebok "learn about your interests primarily from the things you do on Facebook" by observing you all the time. 

Facebook "also learn about your interests from some of the websites and apps you use" by spying on what you do in your PC. 

"This is a type of interest-based advertising, and many companies do this," obviously, without your knowledge.

Oh yes, you have an option to "opt out" of this spying. I don't know if it works. I don't believe in it. But maybe, since you believe in it, I might also eventually believe. 

And Facebook is telling us how it is going to give you more control on the ads you see! That is how it is trying to give you more freedom! While seeing an ad itself is so much disgusting to me, getting a control over the ads I can see is obviously some kind of weird, nauseating idea. 

Yes, that is why they say, "today you feel more free not because you are truly free, but because you have become incapable to articulate your very un-freedom."

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